AccelDelegate | [Internal/Do Not Use] |
Color | Object to store RGBA values for a given color |
ColorMap | Map used to get a color by name |
CompassDelegate | [Internal/Do Not Use] Used to receive compass events |
complex | Data structure for processing complex numbers |
LocationDelegate | [Internal/Do Not Use] |
MoAccel | Accelerometer |
MoAudio | Audio API |
MoAudioFileIn | Wavefile audio input |
MoAudioUnitInfo | Data structure to manage information needed by audio unit |
MoBiQuad | Two-zero, two-pole filter |
MoCompass | Compass (static class) |
MoFFT | Fast Fourier transform processing class |
MoFilter | General digital filtering class |
MoFun | Static-only class to access common functions |
MoGfx | Graphics functions |
MoLocation | Location stuff, GPS/Edge/Wifi + Compass (static class) |
MoMutex | Generic mutex |
MoNet | Osc networking (static class) |
MoNetCallback | Hold a OSC Receive Callback and its associated data |
MoNetOSCPacketListener | Listen to incoming OSC messages |
MoNetSender | TODO |
MoOnePole | One-pole filter |
MoOneZero | One-zero filter |
MoPoleZero | One-pole, one-zero filter |
MoThread | Generic thread |
MoTouch | Multi-touch (static class) |
MoTouchTrack | One track associated with a touch gesture (from begin to end/cancel) |
MoTouchUpdater | [Internal/Do Not Use] |
MoTwoPole | Two-pole filter |
MoTwoZero | Two-zero filter |
Vector3D | 3d vector |