Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AccelDelegate[Internal/Do Not Use]
ColorObject to store RGBA values for a given color
ColorMapMap used to get a color by name
CompassDelegate[Internal/Do Not Use] Used to receive compass events
complexData structure for processing complex numbers
LocationDelegate[Internal/Do Not Use]
MoAudioAudio API
MoAudioFileInWavefile audio input
MoAudioUnitInfoData structure to manage information needed by audio unit
MoBiQuadTwo-zero, two-pole filter
MoCompassCompass (static class)
MoFFTFast Fourier transform processing class
MoFilterGeneral digital filtering class
MoFunStatic-only class to access common functions
MoGfxGraphics functions
MoLocationLocation stuff, GPS/Edge/Wifi + Compass (static class)
MoMutexGeneric mutex
MoNetOsc networking (static class)
MoNetCallbackHold a OSC Receive Callback and its associated data
MoNetOSCPacketListenerListen to incoming OSC messages
MoOnePoleOne-pole filter
MoOneZeroOne-zero filter
MoPoleZeroOne-pole, one-zero filter
MoThreadGeneric thread
MoTouchMulti-touch (static class)
MoTouchTrackOne track associated with a touch gesture (from begin to end/cancel)
MoTouchUpdater[Internal/Do Not Use]
MoTwoPoleTwo-pole filter
MoTwoZeroTwo-zero filter
Vector3D3d vector
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